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I'm Back!


After a long hiatus dealing with the curve balls that life threw at me, I'm back! I hope I can keep up writing on this blog as I did before. So many things have happened since I last posted, but I will just give you a briefing.

Here's a sneak peek to what have kept me busy during the Covid-19 quarantine...

I have kept working in my art and enjoying seeing it evolve as I go through my artistic journey and research pursuits. I also continue to exhibit my work. You can learn all about it in my website and in both my Instagram accounts here and here. You will see that I have also been interviewed for my work, gotten awards, invited to present at a few lectures --that I will talk about in following posts, as well as to jury exhibitions. 

On the other hand, I have also continued teaching, now in private schools since 2015. In the school I am in now since 2017, I am the Director of Galleries as well. For which I not only get to maintain the students' galleries, but also bring artists guests to showcase their artworks in the other three beautiful galleries we have. I will write about some of the exhibitions I have curated in future posts too.

In my current job I teach Studio Art Foundation to middle school students, as well as Drawing, Painting, Studio Art, and 3D Design classes to Upper School students. In the Spring of 2018, I also started an Afternoon program for Portfolio Development to prepare my Art concentration students to get ready to apply to art colleges with successful results. 

Here are a few Valentine cards I got this year from some of my students. Precious gestures that make all I do so worth it! *

*You may also want to read my Teaching Reviews clicking on the tab in the top banner.

Last but not least, I have just finished my Master of Fine Arts in Visual Arts from Lesley University College of Art and Design. Hence my absence from this platform until now.

I'll try to post often to update you on all the exciting things I'm doing, so visit often!

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